Imo’s reward for effort
IT will not be lost on many readers that turnover in The Bunyip’s editorial department has been rife in recent times for plenty of...
Time for subdivision allowance
THE council’s Audit and Risk committee (LGFA) predicted an operating deficit of $1.925 million, a deficit of $1.032 million above what council originally forecasted.
Different dictionaries
TO Jill Polkinghorne,
We must be reading different dictionaries.
The “Collins New English Dictionary” definition of “indigenous” is as follows: “Born or originating in a country”.
Golden handshakes
REGARDING your article on the early departure of ToG CEO Henry Inat, how much extra rate payer revenue was gifted to him as an...
A simple suggestion
I HAD to wipe the tears away reading the story of Mr Julian Midwinter.
How long has this problem been affecting you, Julian?
You say that...
Time to listen
A RECENT exchange between a government organisation and a member of the community has left both sides short- changed.
Page four of this week’s edition...
Why are we here?
THIS is far from the deeply existential question that might be asked around a campfire in the middle of nowhere gazing up at the...
The fact of the matter
I WRITE today in response to comments made by councillor Brian Sambell at an elected member briefing last Wednesday night.
As a former journalist and...
Type-oh no
IT would be remiss of this publication to point out the functions of the local paper without acknowledging the other side of the coin.
Gawler Fringe a success
A SOCIETY, a culture, a civilisation can be judged as successful and mature by the number of artists that it supports.
Someone more famous than...