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Monday, February 17, 2025
Home Opinion


There’s an art to it

Perhaps one of the most consistently inspiring themes of Gawler is the arts sphere. Whether it be the musical stylings of those like the...

Letters to the editor

For shame YOU could decry the loss of gravitas, which the highest offices of elected government used to be associated with, the decay of decorum,...

Letters to the editor

Statement on appointment to the Shadow Ministry IT has been a privilege to serve as Assistant Shadow Minister for Infrastructure and Transport for the past...

Barossa Regional University Campus gives regional students a reason to stay

FOR years, regional students have faced a difficult choice: leave their community to study or put their education on hold. But now, thanks to...

Another year in the books

SINCE the move from Taylor Group Media to SA Today, The Bunyip has had its filing system and story production mechanisms turned on their...

Letters to the editor

Legless lizard taking strides forward On behalf of the Friends of the Flinders Ranges Legless Worm Lizard (FFRLWL), I would like to congratulate the relevant...

December 18 cartoon

Here’s to ‘Heady’

FEW cricketers manage to capture the imagination of the Australian public quite like a moustachioed larrikin that plays the game with gumption. For many growing...

Sport does not come cheap

THE lift-out sports catalogue headlines “The Gift of Sport”. No wonder society is facing an obesity crisis regarding today’s youth. It, sport, sure doesn’t come...

Road to recovery

THE old saying of good things come to those who wait is ringing true for Playford residents. Curtis Road users finally have some light at...

Patriots earn spot in National Second Tier race

FOR the first time in 20 years the Playford City Patriots will be competing in South Australia’s top-flight National Premier League after winning the...