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Saturday, March 15, 2025
Home Opinion Page 13


Round with a twist

WHEN the Pies sunk the Hawks by less than a kick at Adelaide Oval on Sunday, it seemed safe to assume that the drama...

What happened to philanthropy?

SADLY, it seems as though ‘housing crisis’ is the latest buzz word. And not without reason, but why? There is a plethora of reasons offered, but...

Notes on Edith Street

IF you have a car driving down your street at 4.45am, this is a motorist using the most direct route to their destination. There is...

Please do the research

IN response to “Women also live in Gawler” by Morgan Smith in last week’s Bunyip. Firstly, I strongly urge you to use the QR code...

Respect the talent

I FEEL that most reasonably minded people who view the street art installations around Gawler would appreciate the talent and effort of the artist,...

The bottom line

SEVERAL events over the past month have, hopefully, prompted deeper thinking from the Gawler community. This week’s page five story by Aidan Curtis detailing the...

What now for Tassie?

GIVEN the result of the Tasmanian election and the apparent omnipotence of the AFL, having stated that the granting of a licence to the...

Take part in zoning discussions

THE Barossa Region Residents’ Association has been asked by numerous residents what our position is regarding the recent suggestion from council about re zoning...

Women also live in Gawler

ASSERTIONS in The Bunyip (March 13th) that the symbols on the Centenary Lane mural make the town feel like home to locals is incorrect. Women...

Common sense, not special treatment

I WOULD like to highlight some facts around the Edith Street issue. The Austroads recommended maximum local road vehicles per day is 1,500, Edith Street...

May Graham-Turner scholarship opens

FOR the fourth year running, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students are being invited to apply for the May Graham-Turner Aboriginal Education Scholarship to...

Crime rates drop