Please do the research

IN response to “Women also live in Gawler” by Morgan Smith in last week’s Bunyip.

Firstly, I strongly urge you to use the QR code attached to the Centenary Lane mural.

There you will find out all the information regarding the imagery on the mural and what each piece represents.

You’ll find out all about the amazing woman that was Pat Harbison.

You’ll find out about the amazing women’s football, cricket, and netball teams (Gawler teams competed in the finals last year of both football and netball, Gawler Centrals won the football).

You’ll find out about the Fielke bat which was commonly used by female Australian captain Alyssa Healy, who was famously photographed wielding one.

You might even learn about Brian Thom’s Mustang which was also marketed towards women when it was released.

You’ll also learn that the artist Kyle Armstrong also painted a woman on the side of the Golden Fleece hotel and amazing volunteer Marlene Mclennan over at Gawler Central station (and I hear his wife even helped paint some of Centenary Lane).

And if you did a tiny bit more research and googled “local Gawler Photographer”, you’ll find out that nearly 90 per cent of them are female.

We have so many amazing women in our town and suggesting they don’t like to play sports, be involved in the creative arts, or drive cars is a step backwards more than anything.

Finally thank you to the amazing women who helped envision, create, support, promote, report on, and champion the Centenary Lane Mural.

Without them it would’ve won no awards.

Daniel Down,
