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Friday, March 14, 2025
Home Opinion Page 35


Mental health matters every single day

WE hear more and more about mental health every day. It’s both a good and a troubling thing – good to hear people are more...

Joy of Book Week

THE faces of the children shown in the Book Week feature in the September 1 edition of The Bunyip were a joy to behold. Congratulations...

Bin adds to problem

REGADING the extra bin in their effort to lessen emissions in the fight against global warming, Barossa Council and other councils involved may have,...

‘Yip Yarn: Debate is all in the timing

LET me preface this by saying I have a great deal of respect for anyone who cares enough about their community to put their...

Serenity garden

FROM the position of a battered child placed in a home for her own protection as well as being a woman who had to...

Noisy trucks’ damage

A HOUSING development needs many trucks to move materials but do these trucks that run through Roseworthy have to drive on the streets with...

‘Totally disillusioned’

DEAR Gawler community, You elected me to represent you, to make decisions in your/our town’s best interest, to ask questions and move motions on your...

No relevance

IN relation to council’s selection of street murals as depicted in last week’s The Bunyip (“Murals selected in Gawler’s new art movement”), I find...

Mindless poisoners

IT is hard to comprehend what motivates someone to poison the greens of Sandy Creek Golf Club (“Golfers hit by poison”, The Bunyip, 11/8/21). “Mindless”...

Council rates too high

HAVE lived in Gawler for the past 38 years and love being here. My concern is the way the council rates are increasing rapidly each...

Shedley Theatre safe despite fire

PLAYFORD’S beloved community arts service the Shedley Theatre narrowly missed a small fire which threatened damage to the Civic Centre just after 10pm on...

A1 cricket photos