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Thursday, March 13, 2025
Home Opinion Page 3


A word of thanks to Gawler council

A CARELESS mishap last Wednesday morning had me losing the car key down a storm- water drain on Adelaide Road, Gawler South. I rang Gawler...

Wouldn’t it be lovely

WELL John Bolton you have certainly exercised your right to free speech and I respect that. Now I have an idea: what about you opening...

Critical warning on mental health issue

I WRITE on behalf of the not-for-profit Mental Illness Fellowship Australia to highlight to readers that if you or someone you know is facing...

Report a mobile blackspot

AS the 3G mobile telephone network is shut down I’m concerned that mobile blackspots across Barker will increase in size and scope. Being unable to...

Changing of the guard

THE cat is now well and truly out of the bag. After more than 20 years as the owner of this publication, Taylor Group Media...

Itinerants and ne’er do wells strike Gawler again

I WONDER if those who provide succour to the itinerants and ne’er do wells who flock to Gawler consider the consequences that they inflict...

Mental health crisis on the farm

SOUTH Australian farmers are facing a mental health crisis that cannot be ignored. This issue isn’t just about long hours in the paddock, it’s about...

The Salvation Army Red Shield Defence Services 125-year anniversary

WE have heard time and time again people tell their children, “never walk past The Salvos without giving a donation, because they helped us...

Standing for free speech

I BELIEVE Labor’s Misinformation and Disinformation Bill represents an attack on the free speech of Australians. Under the proposed legislation, voicing your opinion could be...

Stride for a good cause in November

AS the weather warms up, Aussies are being urged to put their walking shoes on and make moves that matter to support Stroke Foundation’s...

Pup park’s grand opening

CANINE companions are giving their lick of approval to South Australia's newest dog park ahead of its grand opening in Two Wells this Sunday. The...

Thanks, Canada

No day like Mowday