Imo’s reward for effort

IT will not be lost on many readers that turnover in The Bunyip’s editorial department has been rife in recent times for plenty of varying reasons.

One constant over the past couple of years has been the youngest member of our team, Ms Imogen Evans.

When the paper needed someone to steady the ship last year, Imogen stood up.

In my short time as editor of the paper she has been an excellent resource but, more importantly, an excellent colleague.

A born and bred Playford local, Imogen lives and breathes the community and that shines through in her work, which is often a breath of fresh air from an editor’s point of view.

Her recent accolade of Young Journalist of the Year is nothing short of what she deserves for her efforts across the past 12 months and I look forward to seeing her journalistic abilities continue to grow in the years to come.

Congrats, Imo.