ALMOST every week, when I read The Bunyip, I am tempted to write about yet another sorry story of the antics of Gawler Council.
My temptation has always waned, until today. The final straw was reading about the 15-minute debate on whether elected members speak for three or five minutes (“Councillors’ speaking time cut”, The Bunyip, 1/8/21).
Seriously, this is embarrassing. I am in complete agreement with Brendan Simpkins (’Yip Yarns, 1/8/21) on this.
Of my past temptations, the one I have greatest fondness with is council, specifically the “Redinat alliance” patting itself on the back for budgeting for “only a modest” rate rise of 2.5 per cent. And this on top of rate rises every year, for the last 33 years that I have lived in Gawler.
What is wrong with a 0 per cent rate rise? Please find me a ratepayer in Gawler who received a “modest” income increase of 2.5 per cent.
I reckon that “Redinat” would be struggling to find someone.
Should I “run” for council at the next election? Absolutely no chance! It would do my head in, and I would end up like (former councillor) Ian Tooley.
Note to council: do well, the traditional council responsibilities, and stop waffling on with all the “feelgood” money-wasting rubbish.
Andy Newman,
Gawler East