WE hear more and more about mental health every day.
It’s both a good and a troubling thing – good to hear people are more open about it and it isn’t taboo, while troubling that so many people experience it.
I’ve known friends who have suffered. I’ve known family who have suffered. I’ve suffered.
It can come from any reason on any day and it doesn’t discriminate. My personal battle came through a lot of different reasons – grief, heartbreak, stress. Things that just boiled over because I had supressed a lot in my younger years.
Do I still suffer from time to time? Yes. But I’ve survived and managed, thanks to support from not only friends and family, but the support of professionals too.
It’s why days such as RUOK Day tomorrow are important as a reminder.
It is a reminder to ask a mate, a family member, anyone, if they’re OK.
Because there’s a chance that question may save a life.
It may allow them to vent something pent up for so long that it festers inside.
Sometimes they may not open up, and that’s OK. The fact they know someone is there to support is incredibly handy.
RUOK Day should also serve as a reminder to not just ask on that specific day. It shouldn’t be tokenised to just one particular day.
You should ask it any day you see something wrong with someone you care about, or even a stranger.
I have developed life-long friendships with strangers reaching out just to cheer me up with a meme or even a chat about something going on.
There’s a lot of tough stuff going on in the world right now, but we all need to support one another through these rough patches.
It’s what makes the best in humanity, it’s what makes the best in friendships, it’s what makes the best in family.
Never forget how much a smile, a laugh or a great moment can change someone’s view on the world.
I’m grateful I’ve had people around me in my tough times, otherwise I wouldn’t be here writing this.
Keep safe and reach out if you need it.