Time for subdivision allowance

THE council’s Audit and Risk committee (LGFA) predicted an operating deficit of $1.925 million, a deficit of $1.032 million above what council originally forecasted.

In my opinion, rather than increasing council rates by 5 per cent, an honest thing to do is to allow Kudla residents to subdivide their land by 0.5 square metre (1/2 acre).

I believe this would help to reduce the massive deficit accumulated by council.

An interesting comment by a person known in our community as one of the strong Team Redman Faction that always opposed subdivision, is now welcoming the LGFA.

“I think my biggest concern is that some of the elected members aren’t actually aware of the seriousness of what is happening,” he said.

Can we now hope for support to subdivision by all councillors?

Marisa Pozenel,
