Wednesday, 25 September 2024
Village green plans revealed
1 min read

CONCEPT plans for the new “village green” area for the Two Wells main street have been released and endorsed by Adelaide Plains Council.

At their September meeting, elected members discussed the development’s plans, which form part of the Two Wells Main Street Upgrade Project.

In a tabled report, council staff stated the village green is still on schedule for completion before the end of 2020, but the council has applied for an extension until February or March 2021 in case of delays.

The rejuvenated area will be located next to the existing Two Wells Adelaide Plains Council offices and will cost around $700,000

Council’s top priority for the development is the new toilet block which will replace the ageing existing structure.

“To date, the only physical works undertaken has been a preliminary investigation regarding the existing underground services within the Village Green, and a geotechnical consultant undertook soil testing across the Village Green, the results of which will feed into the final detailed designs of the toilet block and waste water system,” the report read.

“More recently, there have been productive discussions with SA Heritage, regarding the impact of the toilet block and the overall proposed Village green on the heritage-listed Institute building and this has allowed the design to be developed in a manner that should have SA heritage support when the development application referral is received.”

Other features to be completed during stage one of the project include pedestrian links to the Liberty housing development, pedestrian crossing, new trees and street furniture.