Traineeship to boost Gawler youth programs

Brendan Simpkins

GAWLER Council has endorsed the creation of a Youth Space traineeship as part of the draft annual budget for the 2021-22 financial year.

The project was initially included as an unfunded, below the- line budget bid but it was moved above the line following last week’s special council meeting.

Gawler’s Youth Advisory Committee (YAC) submitted the budget bid for a second time, after first unsuccessfully submitting it for last year’s budget.

At a cost of $50,000, the traineeship will allow for a person aged between 16 and 24 to complete a Certificate III in Business while gaining exposure and training in youth operations.

The cost provides for training, remuneration, including superannuation, clearances and the cost of the Certificate III.

In May 2019, a sub-group of the YAC was created following discussions around the most cost-effective way to expand Gawler’s youth program offering.

The sub-group investigated the potential of a youth space-based traineeship program and developed a business case which was presented to council.

Councillor Cody Davies moved to bring the proposal above the line, which was seconded by Cr Nathan Shanks.

The motion was carried on a 7-2 vote, with Cr Diane Fraser and Cr Paul Koch voting against.

During debate, council chief executive Henry Inat recommended that the proposal not be moved above the line.

“I am one to support traineeships wherever we can,” he said.

“The administration and the executive team started the budget process with seven or eight initial propositions in terms of staff, all of which were carefully considered. We are now down to four; those four are considered mission critical.

“I am supporter of the youth, but this is not a position I would be recommending to council. We are talking about saving dollars left, right and centre. Thirty, 40 or 50 thousand dollars in this space, I would suggest to council, is not where we should be spending our money.”

Cr Davies said it was “exciting” to see the members of the YAC take an interest in local government and get involved through budget bids.

YAC member Isaac Solomon, who chaired the YAC subgroup, said he was pleased with council’s decision to include proposal in the draft budget.

“I think this decision sends a strong message that Gawler cares about its young people and is willing to listen to what we have to say,” he said.

“It’s fantastic to see months of voluntary work by YAC members culminate in such a promising program.

“I would like to say a special thank you to both Cr Davies and Cr Shanks, who have been instrumental in creating and passing this budget item.”

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