Thursday, 19 September 2024
GAME OVER: Netball associations cancel 2020 season
2 min read

BOTH the Barossa, Light & Gawler Netball Association (BL&GNA) and the Adelaide Plains Netball Association (APNA) have pulled the plugs on their winter seasons, and with Gawler & District Netball Association set to make its announcement today, netball in the region may be put on hold until summer.
President of the BL&GNA Katrina Frederick said the reasoning behind the decision focused on the increased demand on volunteers, amongst other factors.
“Obviously the safety of our members is the primary reason,” she said.
“There were issues that we would potentially be stretching our volunteers too far, since now they would have been responsible for making sure all restrictions are adhered to. There’s a good chance we would have had to hold games on a different day because Saturday would be too busy.
“Financially it would have been difficult as well, because now clubs would have to purchase hand sanitiser and cleaning products for equipment, like clip boards and pole covers. Also, they’d need to look at extending training to three or four nights a week due to restrictions, so that means extra power, extra water – extra everything really.”
Frederick said the voters’ decision was final.
“The uncertainty was the main reason,” she said.
“We were able to return to training, but there were restrictions on that, and then it was a question about ‘are we even having a season, if so, how long?’
“The players wanted to know what was going on… some players may not have been able to return since they’ve lost their jobs and might not be able to afford to play at this point.
“It wasn’t a decision made as quickly as everyone might think, but it was made in the best interest of the players.”
Frederick said the league is looking forward to the 2021 season, and is already trying to address some problems that may arise, like player retention.
“We just need the restrictions gone and we’ll be able to start 2021 on schedule,” she said.
“A lot of it will be about retaining players – like ‘how would clubs retain players without having a season this year?’
“Most clubs are communicating with their members, and hopefully they’ll all be keen to come back for a full 2021 season.”
Further coverage of the fallout of the 2020 netball season will be featured in next week’s Bunyip, including if players plan to take a look at competing in a neighbouring league.