Mallala campground finally changes hands

AFTER three years of negotiations between the Mallala Lions and Adelaide Plains Council (APC), the service club will finally take full control of the Mallala campground.

The Lions club has been looking after the campground, located next to Mallala Oval, for years, including building a $150,000 toilet block for visitor use.

Three years ago, the club raised the idea of taking control of the campsite so it could beautify the area and administer campers.

At last Tuesday’s APC ordinary meeting, elected members voted to transfer control of the area to the Lions club for the next 20 years, giving the green light for an expected $60,000 in upgrades.

Lions member Brenton Bell said the club was excited to get moving on the campground project.

“We’re looking for bang for our buck with that $60,000,” he said.

“But we have to do that in conjunction with the council because it’s a grant.

“We envisage getting some work done by some local groups which will decrease the cost for us.

“We will have a structured plan of how people can camp there and how we can check that is all working. We have to be able to do that as part of the agreement with the council.”

Proposed upgrades for the campground include new landscaping, designated zones for tents, recreational vehicles and campervans, a kitchen area and new fencing.

Currently, staying at the site is free and unregulated, but the control transfer will allow for the campground to be monetised, with stays set to cost visitors $10 a night and bookings to be completed online.

The club expects the upgrades to see 10 people, on average, stay at the campsite each night.

Mr Bell said the camping fees would be reinvested into the campground and the Mallala community, and the extra visitors would boost the local economy.

“Over the 20-year lease we would be lucky to break even,” he said.

“The reason we’re doing this is to provide a facility for the town which will bring people into the community.

“You can see now there is seven vans staying there. That is 14 people who are going to the pub, shops and service station.

“We will make some money, but any money we make will go into the community or the campground itself.”

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