Friday, 28 June 2024
Jack honoured for regional service
1 min read

EVANSTON Park’s Jack Gill has won the prestigious Santos Regional Service Award at the 2021 Seven News Young Achiever Awards.

Mr Gill is a long-time member of the Gawler Youth Advisory Committee and is passionate about promoting sustainability, arts and civic involvement.

The Trinity College graduate was behind Bike Month in April, was one of two youth representatives on Gawler’s Climate Emergency Action Plan Working Group and was a Gawler delegate to the National Climate Emergency Summit in 2020.

“My focus has always been to drive change in individual mindsets and the community’s attitude towards the steps available to become more sustainable, internally driven, and prosperous,” he said.

“My volunteer involvement in various community groups and programs aim to directly and positively impact my surrounding region.”

Gawler and District College Year 12 student Renee Chamberlain was a finalist in the same category, which aims to acknowledge those who are helping to reshape and inspire their local communities.

Evanston’s Rebecca Marrone, 28, was a finalist for the Create Change Award, which was won on the night by Salisbury’s Zoe Thomson.

Mr Gill was presented his award on stage during a gala dinner at the Hilton Adelaide, on Friday night, in front of 400 guests.

The evening also saw the 2021 South Australian Young Achiever of the Year announced – Kensington Park’s Trudy Lin.

Dr Lin is one of only five registered specialists in special needs dentistry in Australia, providing oral healthcare to people with disability, psychiatric illnesses and complex medical issues.