Push to increase storage capacity

RES Australia is seeking to grow its proposed battery energy storage system to be built next to the existing substation at Templers.

A development application has been lodged for a Battery Energy Storage System (BESS), designed to deliver a maximum of 115 megawatts of energy storage.

The application seeks to expand on a previously approved (but not constructed) 20-battery system, capable of providing a maximum output of 30MW of electricity for one hour, and powering up to 3000 homes.

Valued at $45 million, the expanded system aims to strengthen the state’s electrical system and increase power supply during peak periods.

“The project will allow for increased grid security during periods of high demand or during unforeseen network events with additional energy,” the application states.

“The project provides an important opportunity to improve the security of the state’s power system, provide direct economic benefits to the regional economy and provide South Australia with more electricity generation to increase competition as well as additional infrastructure capable of fast frequency response.”

RES’s initial application, concerning the same parcel of land east of the Templers substation, on Templers Road, was approved in October 2019.

“In the intervening period, market feedback has indicated that a larger system is now preferred, and RES therefore seeks to increase the capacity of the project up to a maximum of 115MW,” the application says.

“The energy storage capacity will vary depending on the selected battery supplier, with a maximum two-hour system anticipated.”

The total development footprint of the project and associated infrastructure is expected to be up to 2.7 hectares.

The RES project is not the only one planned for Templers Road, with GreenPower Limited proposing a similar BESS at Lot 44, to the west of the existing substation.

GreenPower Ltd had stage one of its project – for a 50MW system – approved by the State Commission Assessment Panel in September last year.

A second stage was lodged in March and is still under assessment, proposing an additional 150MW BESS capacity.

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