Friday, 28 June 2024
Choir returning to Gawler
1 min read


THE Adelaide Plains Male Voice Choir will be returning to Gawler this weekend for a performance at St George’s Anglican Church.
Following a well-received show last year, the group will be showcasing its vocal talents at the church on Cowan Street on Sunday, October 13 at 2pm.
Club president and first tenor Mark Howard said the talented bunch aren’t just here to perform.
“We’re a group of men who love singing, but we also perform to help various organisations raise funds,” he said.
“That’s our main aim really – helping churches, the Red Cross, Royal Flying Doctor
Service and other charities – that’s what we’re called to do.”
The group has been quite successful in fundraising for community projects, raising over $19,000 for drought relief in Eudunda earlier this year.
“The choir was established 35 years ago for this exact purpose and is made up of 24 passionate and talented individuals,” Mr Howard said.
“We draw our members from Kadina, Clare, Balaklava, Eudunda, Adelaide, Salisbury, Gawler and everywhere in between.
“We sing both sacred and secular songs, and we perform throughout South Australia.”
The group play eight to nine concerts a year, and for its upcoming performance it’s expecting a big turn-out.
Mr Howard also said local businesses are highly supportive of the band, having kindly donated many gifts for the raffle.
Tickets can be purchased at the door for $15 and afternoon tea will be provided after the concert finishes.
DVDs, CDs and cassettes of the choir will be available for purchase on the day.
“We hope everyone will enjoy our show, and if there’s any new members interested in joining then please come along to a practice in Owen to find out if you like it,” Mr Howard said.
Enquiries related to the choir can be directed to Marie Holvill on 8522 1008.